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mají bolístku?
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obroučkách nevydržely?
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a ještě vypadlo sklíčko?
a sklíčko zas nasadíme...
V nosníku se zlomily?
My jej hned vyměnili!
RAZDVA čistí,
až se bliští...
Grant Cardone Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What Is Grant Cardone’s Net Worth? With a net worth of $600 million, Grant Cardone is an American entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, and real estate investor. He is well-known for his expertise as a professional sales trainer and for discussing topics such as leadership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, social media, and finance….
Paris Hilton Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What Is Paris Hilton’s Net Worth? With a net worth of $300 million, Paris Hilton is recognized as an American heiress, socialite, model, actress, and entrepreneur. She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, who established the Hilton Hotel chain. However, Paris has substantially built her own wealth through a valuable endorsement and…
Kai Cenat Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: We appreciate your reading of this article titled: The data ranges from 2023 to 2024, with forecast data extending to 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we have included projections up to 2027 and 2028. Post Title: Last Updated:
Jeremy Clarkson Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What is Jeremy Clarkson’s net worth and salary? Known for hosting the globally popular car show “Top Gear,” Jeremy Clarkson, an English television presenter, journalist, and writer, has amassed a net worth of $70 million. The show remains one of the most-watched television programs worldwide. Early Life Jeremy Clarkson was born on…
Kanye West Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: Kanye West’s net worth: what is it? With a net worth of $400 million, Kanye West is recognized as an American producer, rapper, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. At one point, he was a multi-billionaire and ranked among the three richest self-made black individuals in US history. Kanye rose to prominence…
Lil Baby Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: We appreciate your interest in this article named: Data utilized includes information from 2023 and 2024, while projections extend into 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we extend the forecast period to encompass 2027 and 2028. Post Title: Last Updated:
50 Cent Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What is 50 Cent’s net worth? 50 Cent, an American rapper, producer, actor, and entrepreneur, boasts a net worth of $40 million. He gained fame in the early 2000s with his debut album “Get Rich or Die Tryin’,” which achieved multiple platinum certifications and produced hits such as “In Da Club.” His…
DJ Khaled Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What is DJ Khaled’s Net Worth? An American record producer, radio personality, rapper, DJ, and record label executive, DJ Khaled boasts a net worth of $95 million. His career commenced as a radio host on the urban music station WEDR-FM, where he gained prominence for his DJ and record production work, collaborating…
Johnny Sins Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: We appreciate your interest in the article: The data covers the years 2023 and 2024, and the forecast extends to 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we project the forecast data to include 2027 and 2028. Article Title: Last Updated:
Mike Tyson Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: We appreciate you taking the time to read this article: The data covers the years 2023 and 2024, with forecasts extending to 2025 and 2026. Additionally, we project the data out to 2027 and 2028. Post Title: Last Updated:
Logan Paul Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What is Logan Paul’s net worth? Logan Paul, an American YouTuber, boxer, internet personality, and actor, currently has a net worth of $150 million. As of now, he boasts over 23.6 million followers on his YouTube platform. He has ranked among the highest-paid YouTubers globally at various points, earning an annual personal…
Jordan Belfort Net Worth (Money & Salary)
Title: Last Updated: What is Jordan Belfort’s Net Worth With a net worth estimated at negative $100 million, Jordan Belfort, an American former stockbroker, convicted felon, and author, is widely known as “the wolf of Wall Street.” However, it should be noted that during his tenure in finance, he was never called this nickname by…
Zabýváme se opravou kovových brýlí nejmodernější laserovou technologii. Oproti běžnému letování brýlí plamenem, kdy dojde k rozsáhlému poškození barvy, je svařování laserem velmi šetrné a dochází k minimálnímu nebo žádnému poškození.
Laserové svařování probíhá v ochranné atmosféře argonu, díky tomu také s velmi dobrými výsledky opravujeme i titanové obruby, které je pomocí plamene téměř nemožné svařit. Bez ochranné vrstvy totiž korodují a sváry nejsou příliš pevné. Laserem lze také svařovat obruby na hůře přístupných místech, kam se není možné dostat letovacím plamenem.
Nabízíme služby pro více než 200 optik v České republice a za dobu existence jsme opravili tisíce obrub. Zkušenosti, preciznost a kvalita je to, co z nás dělá skutečné odborníky na opravu brýlí.